Isis Rodriguez is an American born artist from San Francisco California. She has been drawing since a child and received a B.F.A from the University of Kansas 1988 in Painting. Afterwards, she attended the San Francisco Art Institute to work toward her M.F.A., where she studied sex positive feminism and art for social responsibility. She emerged into the art world, with a solo show that was at Galeria de la Raza in 1997, called, "My Life as a Comic Stripper" where she created editorial cartoons to talk about the politics, the rewards and consequences of the sex industry from her experience working as an exotic dancing. After 11 years, she retired from dancing and continued to work as a performance artist and painter to explore feminine archetypes with performance artist, Guillermo Gomez Peña, "The Mexterminator Project", 1998, SOMA, San Francisco, CA USA., where she created a Zapatista Stripper, fighting for the rights of exotic dancers. In 2006, she exhibited, at Patricicia Correa Gallery, Los Angeles, CA USA, "Glyphtoons", which was a reflection of sex positive feminism.

Isis Rodriguez in her studio painting, The Initiation", San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato Mexico 2017. Photo: Isis Rodriguez
A year later, she left for Oaxaca Mexico, to immerse herself at the artist residency, La Curtiduria to begin a new series of introspective paintings, called, "Legends from the Realm of Nepantla," where she used the masked woman as an archetype protesting shame. Her works were exhibited internationally at “Insurrectas y Estridentes en México a 100 años de Simone de Beauvoir”, curated by Gloria Maldonado Anso, Cervantino Art Festival in 2008, Guanajuato, Mexico, "Women in Serpent Skirts and Eagle Talons" curated Martina Ayala, Mission Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA USA 2020 to name a few.
Isis relocated to the UNESCO town of San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato, in 2010, where she built her concept gallery and studio, Galeria Nepantla, and inaugurated her space with the finished oil paintings, "Legends from the Realm of Nepantla", Galeria Nepantla, San Miguel de Allende, 2017, as a contemporary mythology.

Isis Rodriguez "Zapatista Stripper" performance in "The Mexterminator", San Francisco California 1998 , Photo: Eugenio Castro
Out of her concept gallery, Galeria Nepantla, Isis produced 4 more contemporary mythologies,, "Perros Sagrados y Sus Chamanes" 2018, showing the process of spiritual healing, "CRUSH!, 2020, exploring the complexity of unconditional love, and "Blue Unicorn", her pandemic art series, using the unicorn as a symbol of change, Western world change.
Currently, Isis lives in both San Miguel de Allende and the United States where she works full time painting and investigating topics of conflict and resolution. Her newest series "Majestic", inspired by the Quinceañera will tour in 2026.
Click on the video to hear Isis talk about her art!