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NIÑAJÍ COMIC 2010-2015


Niñají y Su Vida Colorida, is a spiritual graphic novel that rescues, promotes and celebrates Mexican Indigenous values in a modern world. Based in a small pueblo called, “Nepantla”, a 16th Century Aztec word that means “cross roads” or “in the middle”, Niñají, is the daughter of a great shaman who wakes up 500 years later to find herself living in a modern world. 


Since the 90’s, Mexican comics have dwindled and are on the verge of becoming extinct. Those comics that are accessable to the public are sexist, pornographic and violent or are superhero imports from the United States ie, Batman, Spiderman, or are influenced by Japanimation.  Few represent a Mexican identity or address contemporary issues that Mexicans face today. The writer, Alfi Lopez de Anda has often said:

“Mexico doesn’t need to invent Superheroes. They already exist. Look around you and you will see everyday hardworking Mexicans who have the extraordinary power to overcome life’s most difficult situations.”

Niñají pronounced “neen yah hee” and all our characters are based on real life people that we have met in the cantinas, mercados, zócalos, schools, and streets in Mexico. Our mission is to create intelligent reading where people can go to discover  a contemporary Mexico where Indigenous and modern live side by side and become “superempowered” by spirituality. Our concept is currently for sale. Contact us for more information.

Isis Rodriguez

Classes, Tours & Retreats take place at:


The Isis Rodriguez Art Studio aka Galeria Nepantla

Pablo Yañez 9 Colonia Indepenencia,

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato Mexico 37732.

+52 415 121 1022



6650 Waverly Avenue, Kansas City, KS USA 66104


Satellite Studio & Exhibits

San Francisco, California, USA




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